Students' corner

Angela Zdravkovska on her experience at Kick-off meeting in Lasko, Slovenia

My story

To be equal, to most of us means to be the same nationality, the same gender, same religion...
   I used to have the same thoughts, too.
   But one day I asked myself:
   „Is that what equality really means?“
    And the answer is - No. If we aren't the same religion does it mean we aren't equal? I realized that those believes are the main reason for judging people, fights, even wars... And people who think that way also make others think there are differences between us. Why can't we just forget about all those small differences that bring us apart?
    If we could do it, we would be able to realize all the common things we have. First and most important thing-we're all human beings. Then, we have families, friends, somebody to care for. We all have the same needs-food, water, oxygen...
    And you can see that there aren't any big differences to have a good reason for any problems.
    It's all in the people's heads...
    What if our community is different than another one's?
    Does it mean we have to look exactly the same as our family, friends, teachers? Or, do we have to have the same opinions, feelings, thoughts as theirs?
    Thinking about all those things, I turn around myself, and I see lots of people around me.
    They are so different than me, I am different than them. But those differences make me unique as an individual person, not as a group nor community.
    And what happens with the utopia for a world without conflicts, full of happiness and friendship?
    I think it will remain only an utopia for a while, but we have to do something if we want it to become a reality.
    We can start from where we are right now-Europe. And we can start achieving it with, let's say, Aces, because Aces melts prejudice about differences among teachers and students, and crosses borders of countries all over south-eastern Europe. From the icebreaker activities all over to partnership projects... The Aces project makes us realize we're all equal and to learn the real meaning of the word. We speak different languages, we come from different countries, we are different age...
    But we're equal. Not the same, but equal.
    I would like to share something from the Aces Kick-off meeting which happened during one of the workshops.
    There was a boy... I don't remember his name but I'll always remember his words...
    He was asked if he liked meeting new friends.
    He answered that he did. He said that he had met lots of students there in Lashko, and had made friends with them.
    And he told us a really interesting characteristic of his, which is quite rare nowadays. He said that he didn't like at all being friends with somebody similar to him, that he loved hanging out with people who had opposite interests and hobbies than his.
    This boy... his way of thinking... I liked it.
    I realized that he has already learned to respect the differences and even better-he loved differences.
    I must admit that Aces Kick-off meeting was a big experience for me. For the first time I was abroad, for the first time I was in Slovenia... For the first time I was in a place with so many students from so many countries, and everyone was so nice and friendly. I didn't see anybody judging anyone about what they looked like, where they came from...
    Even though there were students who couldn't speak English, students who couldn't hear well, we were all accepted by everyone wholeheartedly. The results of this project may not be visible the next year or the year after, but they will be one day! When that day comes, most of us will be all grown up and mature people. When we become proper citizens in our democracy communities, we'll have the power to make a difference, to make things better...
    I have a dream for everyone everywhere to be equal. I want to share my dream because as Hannah Arendt once said-
    „Equality is the result of human organization. We are not born equal.“
    And that's why we have to achieve it together.  

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